Got it! So, you are one of those persons who frequents your favorite spot by the pond. And you have that favorite duck that comes consoling you.
We guess you finally took a picture and are wondering if you should share it. Yes you should. Here are some duck captions for Instagram.
We hope you find them useful. And we hope you manage to come across those perfect lines that do justice to that cute duck you see everytime and thought deserves some attention from your Insta fam for always being there for you.
Or perhaps it is the first time you came across a duck and are too excited to not share a picture. Then here are somefunny duck captions for Instagram that you can use too.

Or you are just a nature lover who adores cute animals and can’t help but share any picture you take on social media. Then, here are some duck captions for Instagram to help you too.
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Duck Captions
- Guess it’s time to hit the road (duck) #trucklife #travelusa
- Just look at this scenery…
- A duck can swim, but does it really waddle?
- If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.
- If you’re looking for a place to relax, where ducks can’t get you, then look no further.
- The birds are chirping, the leaves are changing and it’s time for a new adventure.
- Into the wild
- Bigger things come in small packages. – Robert Brault
- I’ve always had a duck personality. Calm above water, feet going crazy below.
- Simply loving the Chinese duck delicacy. #delicacy
- Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack. #adventuresofwilberdingus
- Let your worries drift away.
- I don’t have ugly ducklings turning into swans in my stories. I have ugly ducklings turn into confident ducks.
- Hello there, friend
- It’s hard to resist a tall, dark, and handsome duck.
- Every bite is so yummy. #yummy
- Quack, quack!
- My drink brings all the ducks to the yard .
- I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
- Like a duck on the pond. On the surface everything looks calm, but beneath the water those little feet are churning a mile a minute.
- When you’re wearing your rubber ducky swimsuit, you never have to duck the question.
- The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong.
- Aren’t rubber ducks the cutest?
- We eat, therefore, we hunt.
- It is good as a snack. And also as a main course. #snack
- I have cats, dogs, monkeys and ducks at home – it’s like a mini zoo.
- Ducks are masterfully designed…for both aquatic and terrestrial life.
- Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
- Ducky, ducky, wish you were here #rubberducky
- Hey there duck, did you just quack your way into my heart?
- Imperial dining at its best. #best
- The perils of duck hunting are great – especially for the duck.
- Hey, it’s me your alarm clock. Time to wake up and feed the ducks!
- Rubber ducks, how do they work?
Duck Captions For Instagram

- I don’t give a duck.
- Who doesn’t love a good duck photo? The answer is no one
- Let’s splash around!
- If you can dream it, you can quack it.
- My Peking duck has made me a hit overnight in the neighborhood.
- Never let yesterday use up too much of today.
- Dive in, the water’s fine!
- Sometimes, the best adventures are just around the corner.
- Make a splash with your new bath time companion.
- Don’t quack like a duck, soar like an eagle.
- What’s the difference between heaven and hell? The amount of toys in the bucket ( – Chris Rock) #rubberduckie
- Just look at this scenery.
- We can’t wait to see that smile on your face today.
- The more ducks there are, the more fun we can have.
- Don’t confuse Peking duck with roast duck. Both are marvelous though. #
- I really hate rubber ducks, actually.
- There’s no place like a bathtub. -John Berendt
- Duck love is recognizable in any language.
- Our ducks are just the best.
- If you can’t reach the duck, go get a bigger dog.
- You can’t aim a duck to death.
- When you stop and look around, this really is a beautiful world we live in.
- If you’re happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it.
- Oh my…this is where I leave all my bad days.
- Some of us are happy to see you today, while others… well, they can keep their distance.
- This isn’t about deer hunting. The Second Amendment is about our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves.
- Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a smiling and calm face.
- It was a good day of hunting. We are 15 for 21 ducks and 2 for 6 geese.
- Eat, sleep, feed ducks, repeat
- Life is too short to be small. Tag @duckslime and we’ll see what we can do together!
- So excited to be back in town! Let’s have a little quack-tacular reunion soon, okay?!
- How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
- Quack, quack. What’s up? I’m a rubber duck and I bet it’s been a long time since you’ve seen one of these! Don’t worry, I’m
- There’s an art to being a good duck
- Happy Bay Day! The Quack is Back.
- Happiness is like a rubber duck – you don’t know when you’ll find it, but when you do, it makes you smile.
Funny Duck Captions
- Hanging out with friends beneath the duck
- The best thing about ducks is that they aren’t afraid of anything. They can fly, swim and even run through the forest.
- Sometimes the best thing to take to lunch is the company of a good friend.
- It’s duck season! Leave your worries in the blind and enjoy the great outdoors.
- Always #quackinthebox
- You’re the rubber to my duck.
- when you’re out with your besties and you can’t wait to get home so you can eat more food
- Just a girl who loves ducks
- You’re the duck to my pond.
- Consider us quackers
- Want a bite? Buy yourself one. #abite
- Who knew ducks were so photogenic?
- Life is like a hurricane—it picks you up and spins you around and when it finally puts you down, you’re in a completely different place than where you started. – @michelleandharry
- I like big ducks and I cannot lie
- It’s duck season and this duck is ready to go hunting.
- Life isn’t always black and white – sometimes it’s shades of duck.
- Let’s get wild.
- When there’s rumors of a rainy day , our phones are the real rainclouds . Get your hands on the new @lgxstyle #lgxstyle.
- A duck’s life is a lot of fun, but sometimes you need a break from it all. That’s where the #duckqueen comes in.
- Waddling through picturesque puddles & taking strolls on the beach.
- Ducks and geese are consumed mostly by the Chinese. So their dishes must also be really good.
- Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them.
- Don’t go on vacation without one.
- Words won’t do it any justice. Try some to know better. #tryit
- If I share this with you, it means I love you most. #loveyoumost
- It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby. Join us as we learn how to knit and crochet.
- Rubber duckies, you’re the one. You make bath time lots of fun.
- It’s easy being cute.
- I’m just sitting here looking at the ducks.
- Why share when there is so much to go on?
- Open up a nice cold beer and enjoy the hunt.
- If I could live on rubber duckies and coffee, I would.
- A duck’s passion is to quack.
- A healthy duck will be bright and will try to get away from people…
- I’m rubber, you’re glue… whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
- Bath time is way more fun with our rubber duck. #rubberduck
- The only gun that fits in my purse is a 12 gauge. AQUA-TEAL HUNT LIKE A GIRL
Cute Duck Captions For Instagram

- It’s so cute when you argue with me.
- Hello, little duckie!
- It is just different – in a very pleasant way of course. #different
- The skin is super. The meat is simply soft and juicy. #skin
- The popularity of ducks— often described as the happiest animals in the barnyard— is increasing in many areas of the world.
- I’m having a quack attack!
- I let that negativity roll off me like water off a duck’s back. If it’s not positive, I didn’t hear it…
- We got you covered.
- Always behave like a duck, keep calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath.
- I say, old chap! Duckdom is not what it was!
- We’d love to see your photos! Tag us on Instagram with the hashtag #duckfaces
- Rubber duckie, you’re the one-you make bath time so much fun!
- Happiness is a warm bath.
- There are days I wish the internet didn’t have a comment section just so I wouldn’t have to read some of the stuff that’s being said about me.
- It’s like Christmas every day!
- Love is in the air.
- If I quack up, you’ll be the first to know.
- I don’t wear bows, I shoot them.
- I can do a really good animal impression! I’m great at ducks, cats, dogs, and occasionally dolphins.
- Just treat me to a good dinner of Peking duck, and then watch me forgive everyone.
- We’re rubber, not glue.
- Ducks are one of the smallest types of waterfowl…often the most colorful.
- Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
- I will work out and do away with all the ducks that I am having today. #workout
- Quack, quack. — rubber duck
- Oh, what fun!
- Duck, duck, goose
- Rub-a-dub-dub, there’s a duck in my tub!
- The No. 1 rule in duck hunting is to go where the ducks are.
- Getting my ducks in a row
- The buck stops here, fear no deer.
- I’m like a duck: calm above the water, and paddling like hell underneath.
- I’m sorry for the ducks; I love foie gras.
- Ducky is starting to feel the love from our new followers.
- Everything is just ducky
- We love a good captions game.
- The perfect caption to use with this cute duck photo:
- Diving head first into the weekend
Duck Ig Captions
- As cute and yellow as the sun
- These are the best days of my life.
- Ducks can make a highly effective pest patrol in the garden…keep them from tender plants and low-growing fruit.
- Good things come in small packages
- Let’s take a bath!
- A bird in hand is better than a bird in the bush.
- Ducks are always more entertaining in groups, so let’s get this party started!
- The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.
- Feeling squeaky clean
- Quack quack quack!
- Rubber ducky, you’re the one!
- There’s no better feeling than a hot cup of coffee, sitting by the lake and watching the ducks. #coffeetime
- what do you love more than anything else? hunting, right?
- Without hunting there would be no conservation, without conservation there would be no wildlife.
- Meet the newest member of #TeamRubberDuck. All fun and games until you try and take a bath without it #rubberducky #wetrrulers
- When you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, just quack yourself to happiness.
- The Pekin variety is the best for the Peking duck that I make. #pekin
- Trying to understand how some just say no to Peking duck without even having tasted it at all.
- Duck face is the #1 way to make your face cute, goofy, or just plain silly. So next time you’re thinking about getting into that pose, here’s some duck-emoji captions for you to use!
- Go on small walks instead of big walks, sit by candlelight instead of sunlight, travel to the neighborhood park instead of the world.
- I’m so excited about this new collection of rubber ducks!
- Rub-a-dub-dub… We’re all in when we’re in our tub!
- Don’t think too much, just enjoy the bath!
- Being a kid is like having super powers. #rubberducksofinstagram #stillakid
- Unlike a deer, a duck can see you in color and from a very long way off….if you can see a duck, it can see you.
- It is just too good to let go. #toogood
- Toys for bath time, a whole set to gather the whole family.
- We hunt ducks so you don’t have to.
- For us hunting isn’t a sport. It’s a way to be intimate with nature.
- Happy #InternationalDuckDay !
- Duck, duck, goose.
- Easily distracted by birds
- Hello world, it’s nice to meet you!
- Real men hunt for their food.
- The cast is the easy part. It’s keeping them straight on the retrieve that gets a little hairy sometimes.
- Life is like a bath, enjoy it before the plug gets pulled on you.
Duck Quotes For Instagram
- We’re all about the duck, amirite?
- Christianity is why the ‘Duck Dynasty’ family is still together.
- My life changed dramatically once I learned to appreciate baths.
- I am in love with two ducks: Donald and Peking
- Don’t call me rubber ducky. You know I’m not that cute. Call me Mr. Quack #quackquack
- Ducks in the bath make everyone smile. Basically.
- To have friends, you need to be a friend
- Peking duck is just a name. The dish is an international sensation.
- We’ve got a special treat for you on Instagram…
- Just keep swimming.
- You can’t see me, but I’m totally listening to you.
- So is it a duck… or a rabbit?
- Be a duck. Let things roll off your back.
- There’s no such thing as a perfectly balanced day, but a day on the water with #Blossom might be a *really* good time.#
- Live with passion, hunt ducks with passion.
- Immerse yourself in the outdoors. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person.
- Life gets better when the ducks start flying.
- Duck season is here! Let’s get your duck tweets ready.
- Being a kid has its perks
- Have a quacktastic day!
- The secret of success is to be like a duck, smooth and unruffled on top, but paddling furiously underneath.
- Duck is the only animal that can swim backwards. I mean, look at it!
- The duck, who here doesn’t love it?
- It takes a lot of baths to look this clean . #RubberDucks #LifesBetterInPlainWhite
- Hey, hey, we’re the three rubber ducky ducks, swimming on our back, having lots of fun. (I’m the short duck.)
- Good morning! You’re not the only duck out here at the end of my pen. Hope you had a pleasant night.
- Good morning, ducks!
- Happy Rubber Ducky Day!
- Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time.
- Splish, splash! The pool is funner with you in it.
- The duck dish that the Chinese spread across the world.
- I would rather wake up in the middle of a duck hunt than anywhere else in the world.
- Nothing like a little @allenroofing to make the day brighter.
- No bathroom is complete without a rubber duck!
- I like big ducks and I cannot lie.
- Ducks are strong, fast flyers…
- Hello, there!