Matthew 10:23 says : For those who declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same before my Father in heaven. So, here are some Christian Instagram captions that you can use to declare the Name of Jesus and make it nice.
Be it a testimony that you want to share or just a little bit of evangelizing, be it something you want your Insta family to know or words to give Jesus a fan following, these Christian Instagram captions can do the work for you.
So, now all that is yours to do is to go through this list of Christian Instagram captions, prepared for the evangelist in you and find the ones that you know in your heart you need to share with pictures that motivate Instagram users like you.

And with that, we hope you come across the lines that you find the most meaningful to you and that this is the start of what you want to do for Jesus, in return for all He does for you
Christian Instagram Captions
- If faith is not the way, it is the strength that makes us go. ??
- If you are born again, you will love and respect yourself.
- Beautiful day ahead! God is great! Life is precious! Love yourself and treat yourself like royalty!! Also, I’m happy to be alive!##
- Every morning I wake up and thank God.
- God, who made the stars of the night and poureth out the waters of the deep.
- There is no heaven without hell.
- I do not believe in a devil, only in human beings.
- God knows the secret plan of the things he will do for the world, using my hand.
- If you don’t believe in God, you can still make a difference.
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and is alive forever.
- A fire inside your soul that’s impossible to extinguish, and the unbelievable strength to fight for what you believe in.
- For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7
- Only love gives strength. Only love makes the impossible possible.
- Remember that God always has a plan for you… His plans might not always be your plans, but he’s got your back.
- If you put your faith in God, your life will be changed
- It’s not the first time I’ve seen this.
- It’s time to stop fighting, let’s be friends
- God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.
- Dear Heavenly Father, I’m thankful for life and all the good things I have, thanks for guiding my life towards salvation.
- There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
- And I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
- What better way to start your day than feeling thankful for all of the blessings you have in your life?
- If you don’t believe in God, you’ll be alone.
- If you are one, it’s time to shine.
- A smile costs nothing but pays a lot of money.
- God is bigger than people think.
- The devil wants to steal your joy and your peace.
- Jesus said he came to set us free… But you think he meant just you.
- He gave up his position as the head of his family, and went on a mission trip to the Far East
Cute Christian Captions

- If the Bible were written by humans, it would be incomplete.
- It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.
- You can be religious without being fanatic
- God knows what we don’t.
- I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God.
- My hope is in God; I don’t pray, I talk to him
- So we can be forgiven and we can go to heaven
- Fear ends where faith begins.
- God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.
- Each day brings a new beginning, evolving new ways to grow and challenge ourselves. Be the change in your community.
- He gave us a brain; we should use it
- May the spirit of the season bring you peace, joy, love and happiness.
- You must choose, and you can choose Jesus or hell
- Don’t worry. God is always on time. Trust him.
- Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- God is our protector, defender, and friend.
- A good relationship should always include honesty, trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
- If you can not trust God during the storm, how dare you trust him for eternal life?
Christian Instagram Captions Funny
- If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
- God is in the hearts of all, and they that seek shall surely find Him when they need Him most.
- If you choose to go to hell, you’re going to burn for eternity
- What would you do if you knew that God is holding your hand every step you take?
- God alone cannot change our destiny, we have to act accordingly.
- God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.
- Dear God, please hold my hand and guide my feet, guard my mouth and protect my mind. Thank you always watching over me.
- I believe in a creator, God.
- Love is God in action.
- He was born a baby, lived as a man, died as a king, and came back to life again.
- If you happen to wake up feeling fragile, remember that God is not, and trust Him to be all that you need today.
- If you are born again, you will get saved.
- I don’t want to get hurt, I’m a pacifist; I won’t fight; I don’t care
- I am not a believer; I just believe in god
- Be lights to the world. A city on a hill that cannot be hidden.
- God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed.
- Just as life is sweet on a stick, so is my candy on a stick.
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and died an agonizing death upon the cross for your sins.
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ, God’s son, the eternal one, was born of a virgin.
Short Christian Captions For Instagram
- God loves everybody even the bad people
- A blessed relationship is one that is committed to God and to each other. ????
- All that God requires of us is an opportunity to show what He can do.
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ is coming again to judge the world.
- Let go of worry. It’s God’s job.
- Let the King of my heart be my way where I run.
- Jesus forgives all our sins and so do I
- If you don’t believe in god, you will be a miserable person.
- He felt his destiny to serve God
- Have a nice, pleasant and relaxing Sunday.
- If you are not born again, you will be eternally condemned.
- If you know nothing about Jesus you have no excuse
- How beautiful the feet of those who preach the good news!
- God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.
- But the people of my world are lost in darkness
- He said this man was to be his friend and guide on his mission
- God created the night so that you might enjoy the day.
- If god is there or not; I’m not scared; I know what I’m doing
- Trust in the LORD forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.
- There’s a little secret about real love: It tastes of the time, patience, and smiles.
- God is not a cosmic bellboy for whom we can press a button to get things.
- Because of Jesus, all things are possible.
- There he met a man who had a vision from God
- God wants everyone to get saved
- The privilege He offers you is greater than the price you have to pay.
- Open your heart to compassion, open your mind to new ideas, open your life to love.
- He was the only son of a wealthy family
- If you’re in need of God’s help you can talk to him anytime.
Instagram Captions For Christian Girl
- Burn your ego into ashes.
- The true artist is never satisfied, he is only happy when he can give more than he has received.
- His name was Francis Xavier
- Fear not. God is with you in both the storm and the peace. Trust him.
- To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek him, the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.
- God’s love is like this. You cannot see it, but you can feel that it exists and that it surrounds you always.
- Let your name be great in the kingdom
- It is not my job to judge. It is your job to judge.
- Pray for eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives, a mind that ignores evil and a soul that never loses faith in God.
- In the fall of life, we will reap if we do not faint.
- There is plenty of room for everyone at the foot of the cross.
- As a young man, he was very intelligent, but he wasn’t interested in school
- I want to say thank you to all the saints
- Thank you God for your son, Jesus, who died for me
- What we do in life echoes in eternity.
- We are truly blessed because of the blood of Jesus
- Jesus will always be with you
- We remain such creeping Christians because we look at ourselves instead of Christ.
- Fall is my favourite season not just for the weather, but for the time of year with Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas.
- Heaven isn’t a place, it’s a state of mind.
- Do not be afraid to trust an unknown future when you know that God is guiding you.
- God’s gifts put man’s best dreams to shame.
- He gives us hope when hope is gone. He gives us strength when we can’t go on. He gives us shelter in the storms of life when there is no peace on earth. There is peace on Christ.
Christian Captions For Instagram Bio

- Be kind, it’s good for us.
- Faith and hope are the inspiration to move forward into life.
- A cute saying: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and your family, not harm you.
- God will never reject you. Whether you accept Him is your decision.
- God’s blessings follow wherever you go.
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ will come back and reign with His saints in heaven.
- There’s no reason to live a life without love
- There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
- He felt a deep yearning to know God, and this yearning kept growing stronger
- Peace is not the absence of problems, but the presence of Christ. ????
- God never ends anything on a negative; God always ends on a positive.
- The cure for a lonely heart is to be alone with God.
- Don’t be sad when we suffer because through suffering we clear our road towards heaven.
- After hearing those stories, he decided to give up his career, and devote himself to serving others
- For external beauty we put on things, for real beauty we have to shed all things.
- Divine treat includes holy talks and holy minds.
- Every evening I turn my worries over to God. He’s going to be up all night anyway.
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ, as the one who died for you, lives in you now and will never die again.
- When it comes to faith, there are no shortcuts. It takes patience, determination, and a good dose of courage.
- Lighten up, enjoy a few laughs and make someone smile today.
- Your life matters. Leave a mark. Follow your heart and pave the way for those who come after you.
- It’s not that I’m bitter; it’s that I’m not religious.
- Always look for the best in others, they too are humans.
- Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.
- It’s the little things in life that make me smile. Happy Friday! #christianboyfriendquotes
- Determination is the first step of the ladder of success.
- Saints are those that gave their lives for us, they gave their life for our sins
- God gave you a fingerprint that no one else has, so you can leave an imprint that no one else can.
- Come out of your comfort zone: you can see more that way.
- A person who has no friends can never be happy.
- If God shuts one door, he opens another.
- God has a plan for each one of us.
- Sometimes the joy of Christ is like a burst of sunshine,
- “What is faith? Faith is believing what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”
- God is the tangential point between zero and infinity.
- Let your light shine. Let it be known I am a Christ-follower. All who are weary and heavy-laden, come down to me.
- He was a wise man who originated the idea of God.
- Love God above all things.
Christian Couple Instagram Captions
- I was once lost, now I am found
- For this is the day the LORD has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it!
- A true friend loves you when you’re good, when you’re bad, and when you’re indifferent.
- In the eyes of God, everyone is equal.
- Because God is with me and gives me strength.
- In the eyes of God, if you are good, you will go to heaven. If you are bad, you will go to hell.
- Our God is at home with the rolling spheres, and at home with broken hearts.
- God creates beautiful things that are useful. It is such a waste to just let them go to waste as we do with our time in our lives!
- Being a Christian means that you know and believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and was resurrected to pay the penalty of your sins.
- A wise man speaks, a fool listens. A wise woman speaks, a fool understands.
- Jesus loves you and he died for you, I love you
- Judge yourself first and then judge others.
- Most of us wait until we’re in trouble, and then we pray like the dickens. Wonder what would happen if, some morning, we’d wake up and say, “Anything I can do for You today, Lord?”
- God made you. God is your parent.
- You don’t have to see far to find perfection. The beauty is there if you only look with your eyes and not with your mind. -Joan of Arc
- Every time you read a Bible verse, remember this is all because of Jesus
- God doesn’t create a lock without its key, God doesn’t give you problems without its solutions! Trust him.
- God wants us to let go of everything so we can have true freedom.
- If you think about it, everyone is a Christian.
- It’s not how long you live that counts; it’s how you live in every minute.
- Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you are going to get.
- God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.
- Thank you God for the grace of Jesus
- You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
- You have to trust that God is in control.
- No greater joy, no more beautiful sight than to behold a bunch of little children, who love one another and ask nothing but to be loved in return.
- God is more interested in who you become than what you do.
- All things work together for good to them that love God.
- Hold fast to the hope that lies before us, and let our hearts be open to Christ’s love.
- In spite of the world, God is still on his throne.
- He spent his days alone in his room thinking about his life and trying to understand what he should do with it
- A little learning is a dangerous thing.
- Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,